(seq. 84)




Status: Needs Review

Haggerty - Patrick p-t 200
Hollingshead - Anthony p-t 300
Hamilton - {Archibald} p-t 300
Hooton - John p-t 200
Handlespike - Conrad p-t 350
Hill - John p-t 250
Hatfield. {Colonel} p-t 200
Hortwick - Laurence p-t 200
Johnston - George p-t 200
Johnston - {William} p-t 250
Jenkins - Widow L.P. 300
Jones - Mechitable p-t 300
Jones - Elisha p-t 100
Jones - Josiah p-t 300
Johnston. Eleanor widow p-t 200
Johnston - Martin L.T. [400?]
Johnston - Nicholas p-t 350
Jones - Nicholas L.T. 100
Jones - {Edward} L.T. 350
Johnston - Laurence p-t 350
Jones - William L.T. 150
Journey - {William} G.S. 100
Jenkins - Griffith p-t [400?]
Kelley - Mathew p-t 150
Kerr - William L.T 200
Kingsland {William} p-t [100?]
Kane - John L.T. 200
Kip - {Thomas} p-t 200
Lesage - Mento L.P. 100
Leebeane - Henry L.T. 100
Langley - Timothy L.T. 100
Livesay - {William} p-t 350
Longshore - Jolly L.T. 250
Littany - {William} H p-t 250
Lambertson - John L.T. 200
Lambertson - John [Junior?] L.T. 100
LeRoy - Francis P p-t [400?]
Lowe - John p-t 500
Lowe - William p-t 100
Lambertson - Lecke L.T. 100
Lambertson - Tunis L.T. 100
Lysador - Jacob G.S. 300

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