(seq. 25)




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keen eyes & who suspected that Saunders was fond of May
waited hoping that the girl would give her her confidence if
there were any to give. But May said nothing & it was soon indeed there
time for thisin the first place it seemed to her indelicate
to talk about attentions which were so ambiguous & in the next
place she didn't know how she regarded him. She wanted
to marry a rich man if she married at all she had good
reason to know what misery can be caused by lack of money &
she sometimes felt that the only way in which she could give
substantial proof of her fondness for her father would be by giving
him a rich son-in-law. But it seemed dreadful to be thinking
at all in that way of a man who had never asked her to be his
wife she felt that 125672 it was setting her cap a thing she
disliked both in expression 25672 & reality. The only thing to do was
not to think about Saunders 5672 at all & this she tried to accom-
plish. The evening was a pleasant [?] as they always were
at Mrs. Merriam's. There was plenty of time for tete a tete
& yet there was not enough of it to be stupid. Ned on coming in
looked around as usual for May but when he saw that she was
supplied with a cavalier in the person of [Jim?] Saunders he
thought he would not go near her just then. Over in the corner
was Mabel Saunders folding & unfolding a large fan & trying to
look interested in something that Harry Phillips was telling
to her & Violet Wilson. Mabel looked unusually pretty that
night. She wore a gown of a neutral cloth blue over a white the flat [collar?]

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