Miriam Van Waters Papers. Male Prisoner Correspondence, 1927-1971. Correspondence: K, 1950-1955. A-71, folder 599. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



(seq. 41)
Needs Review

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[text top right] W. Concord, Mass. January 23, 1966


Dear Dr. Miriam,

I hold your two recent letters. They are beautiful. All's well here. Just finished a thoughtful talk with Billy Price. He loved your mention of [Indira?] Gandhi and her new role in Judaism & world affiars. We admire her deeply too.

Mr. [Prozycki?] has been advised of Mrs. Constance Marshall's wish to visit with John Usher and Robert Schiller at a more convenient time than the alloted days. I asked him to telephone you of the decision either way - and to let us know. Our fingers are crossed for good news on that score.

Great about Francis and Rita making the meeting at Bill [Cusack's?]. I am glad the people like them, and also appreciate your idea to have them serve on your Board. Leave it to Mary Marcin to take care of all of [yours?] with the goodies. Wonderful. Yes, it warmed me to see [?] on your excellent letterhead for the Muscular Dystrophy project.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Carolebar
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Needs Review

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[text top right] {23 January 1966}


I wrote Helen [?] this day about receipt of the thoughtful & delicious cookies. Intended to do so earlier, but got hung up in other work. The days aren't long enough, really.

Thank you for [making?] another convert to SDG in the fine person of your ex-student from N.Y.

Thank you also for your prayers with reference to my coming parole hearing. Great. I'm doing a little praying myself. It is better that my family and the priest here [?] [intercedes?] directly. I have asked my AA friends to stay out of it. Also a couple of others who [waited?] to go in. After all, the record is long and tangled.

I will make my own plea in writing in advance of the hearing. If it's favored, fine. If not, I will continue my work. I am not afraid. Nothing they can do to me now can crack [me up?]. In fact, really, I haven't yet begun to fight hard - to paraphrase John Paul Jones.

I am grateful for your faith in me.

Love, Jim Kerrigan

Last edit over 2 years ago by Carolebar
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[text top right] Massachusetts Correctional Institution West Concord, Mass.

[text right] January-February, 1966

Dr. Miriam Van Waters 14 Clark St. Framingham, Mass.

[stamp in centre] CENSORED BY M.C.I. CONCORD

Dear Members & Friends,

If statistics are what make the world go round in the current computer scramble to head off man's immemorial blundering, the Self Development Group would like to toss a few figures into the feedback. 107 inmates have been serviced in the program in the past two years. Of the 40 released, 85% have remained in freedom, some doing exceptionally well but all doing better than they ever had done. The record speaks for itself and it speaks both ways.

Of the handful who came back, three were charged with parole violations, two with new crimes. On balance, not bad for SDG, an organization founded by and run for and by inmates with a potent assist from some dedicated people in the academic, religious and business worlds.

In a recent reassessment of the SDG program, the Center (control) Group emphasized the vital import of attendance at meetings, inside and outside. As in AA and Synanon, communication is the thing. Cut this off and trouble is inevitable, only a matter of time-and, as the comebacks proved, time in terms of prison again.

Also at the reassessment meeting, it was decided that more communication between inside and outside groups is necessary, and a greater thrust in the follow-up area. The men who came back needed help, and in some cases, no one was there. If SDG is to fulfill its pledged mission of service one to another, and to the community, it must be there when the need arises in every case. This shall be the ultimate measure of the quality of our movement and of its validity and relavance to the universal problem of crime and punishment-and redemption.

Billy Price is going home to Worcester, February 21st. He has been voted outside Area Director to assist Professor Lloyd Weinreb and the Commonwealth Service

Last edit over 2 years ago by Carolebar
(seq. 45)

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SDG NEWSLETTER, cont. [text top right] {January- February 1966}

Corps in the work of SDG. As a member of the executive committee, Billy can well interpret and clarify matters of policy. This should be a welcome boon to the men who are now doing extremely well at the outside meetings, Bob Offley, John Anthony, Jimmy Carter and the rest.

We expect a larger contribution as we go along from every man in the program in the area of service, and service starts at the meetings. {Please note Ronnie Addison and Frank Halpin.}

California authorities have inquired recently with reference to our work. They request information on method, thrust, results. SDG has already obliged.

Finally, as from the beginning, let's remember to keep it simple and keep the faith. Gobbledegook and ivory-tower effusions are out the window. Hard work, friendship and mounting dedication to the aims of SDG are "in".

God bless you all.

the self development group

P.S. Flash!

Supt. Grennan just approved SDG meetings on the Farm; also a monthy inside general meeting in the dining room. Farm members may not attend the latter, though center group members from the Farm will attend inside business sessions as usual.

Dear Dr. Miriam,

All's well here. New addtion of a Farm group means we can now serve more members. Things are looking up.

Respect & love, Jim

Last edit over 2 years ago by Carolebar
Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 94 in total