(seq. 2)




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ambition to continue with it, all winter long my books
have gathered dust on the shelf. a fellow was asking me
about it just today, so, I think I will try again, of course I
can do as I please about it; it concerns myself alone, but if
I don't snap out of it pretty soon I never will, so, I will turn
in a few lessons.

My old friends in Colorado sure are dandy. He
sent me Saturday Evening Post for this year, and a few other
things he and Mrs [Yambert?] have done make me love them
I sure hope that some day I may have the chance to do
something for them. I can't see why they care anything
about me. She even told a Sister at the hospital that I was
her ather son. I will never forget what people have done
for me, "that is a certain few people" and someday I will
ballance the books.

Well dear friend of mine, I hope everything is
going as it should with you. and if you find time won't
you write me a few lines? Give my regards to Sarah.

Sending my best wishes and thoughts. I am
as always, your old friend,

Russell McWilliams.
Reg. No. 5661

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