(seq. 92)




Status: Needs Review



Name Dr. Miriam Van Waters
Street & Number Box 99
City Framingham, State Mass.

APR 20 1939

BOX 1112
Joliet, Illinois
April 16m 1939

Dear Dr. Van Water;

Thank you for your letter of April 5. A letter from you is always a great
pleasure. I appreciate your wanting to write me good letters, the kind you
know I like to get. I prefer the good ones, but a few hurried lines are better than nothing.
I try my best to do as much for you. Sometimes I fall a little short I'll admit.

You were very good to send me $5.00 for Easter. I wasn't in need of anything at
the time. Mostly, I appreciate your spirit + good thoughts which prompted the action.

Miss Rice was here yesterday. She wore a new "blue" coat and looked very well
indeed. We had a wonderful visit, although the place was crowded with people. I think
she is an exceptional young woman. She has a lot of common sense, very sensible, a
nice personality, and she said she likes to visit me. I felt partly good before she came,
but much better after visiting with her. Sorry day when she goes away to New York.

My father was here one week ago and told me many interesting things. Do
you remember what I wrote some time ago about Mrs. William Sagles of Rockford?
Well, so far as she is concerned, everything is going to be alright with me. He also spoke
of Mike. I realize now that I misunderstood Mike and harbored thoughts for which I am
sorry. Mike is doing very well in Madison. When the time comes he will lend a hand.
Dad caught Mary Bell playing hooky from school. Every thing was lovely until one
evening the traunt officer called in person to investigate Mary's absence. I can imagine
her embarrassment as this horrid person began talking to Dad. Mary says she
tell me "every thing" in her letters, but she didn't mention that! He didn't whip her,
although Mrs. Kerrison, whom he cosulted on the matter, strongly advised it. Dad
is more intelligent. He told Mary that she wouldn't sit down for a week if it happened
again, and she knows he means every word. She seems to have settled down now tho.
I wouldn't think of asking such a personal questions, but I "wonder" if a certain Doctor ever
ever played hookey just once! I don't suppose she ever thought of it in those days.

Do not mail currency-Money Orders and Checks accepted.
Foodstuffs and Packages are not accepted at any time.

Visits every two weeks by relatives only.

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