(seq. 105)




Status: Needs Review

31 st
Woods [Lake?]


Name Dr. Miriam Van Waters
Street And Number Box 99
City Framingham, State Mass

AUG 26 1939

BOX 1112
Joliet, Illinois
August 20, 1939

Dear Doctor;

This letter was intended for Miss Rice, but so much good has come from you
this last week that am unable to wait two whole weeks before writing to you. First
came a card from Miss Rice, followed by a very nice birthday letter from Miss Gladding; then
your letter and check arrived with the book "The Plant Doctor" bringing up the rear. The
check found the treasury registering .2 [cents symbol]. The treasury will be in good condition for a
long time. The book pleased me very much indeed. Already I have discovered what killed
a fine blue spruce. I have a hard time putting the book away at night: there are so
many interesting things to discover.

today "Friday" I was permitted to read your letter to Prof. Fitzgibbons. and given
the outline of courses offered by Columbia U. and told to look them over carefully. After
studying the list I know that there is nothing on it for me. Your being so willing
to help me pleased me very much, Doctor. I think you are the friend that person has
only one of in a lifetime. Thanks very much for everything: I am sorry I couldn't use
what they had to offer, but I can and always will remember what your good intentions were.
You will probably hear from Professor Fitzgibbons later in the week.

I liked he way you speak of seeing Gov. Horner without fear. I have considered
it from every angle and I am sure no harm can result. There is a remote possibility
that our two Chicago friends will be afriad to back you up when the time comes.
I know very well that changing times and conditions have way of changing people.

Swimming is good exercise. I had supposed you didn't know how to swim. I did a
great deal of it and had loads of fun. Like you, I was not an exceptional swimmer: msot
of all I liked to dive from a spring board. I'll never forget the time a goofy-looking fat
man dared me to follow him off the top of a high railroad trestle. I thought he was bluff-
ing, trying to impress his girl friend, and accepted his challenge. The water seemed a mile
below as we stood on the girder. Without hestitating he jumped. I was afraid to follow him

Do not mail currency-Money Orders and Checks accepted.
Foodstuffs and Packages are not accepted at any time.

Visits every two weeks by relatives only.

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