(seq. 116)




Status: Needs Review

sure God has lots of things we want, only the first is the key that unlocks all the rest.
All things are ours, Doctor, but we can't do a thing about it until we work out the problems.

The Friday following Miss Rice's visit my sister, Fay and Ralph her husband, were here.
They told me a lot of things. You remember that friend of mine who had things in common with
your ex cook? He went away and no one has ever heard a word from him.

They also said my father is once again in debt, deeply so. Some months ago he cashed my
insurance policy for the purpose of paying all debts. I am sorry he is not capable of
managing his own affairs. It is true that he doesn't make much money but no excuse
for buying on credit anything people will sell. Perhaps his love for my young sister is the answer.
Attorney B. J. Knight's stock sank a little lower at the same time. I would use too
much space telling you all about him. Suppose you write him a nice letter when you
have plenty of time. Ask for the briefs and other legal papers he may have on my case. We
will need them. We don't want to offend him nor tell him to much about our plans. If he
could have seen you when you were here, his pride certaintly would jump. I am sure
you are too wise to discuss money with any lawyer, or anyone else. You get the
lawyer when the time comes, and I'll get the money from Mike if he is still working; if not
then I have another young friend who will be working and will lend a hand.

I am almost sure I have a new snapdragon and a beautiful flower it is. a sort
of gray with red spots. I have never seen one anything like it before. Just now I am
hoping for some seeds from it. Certaintly it is for you if it comes out alright.

The lily I have told you so much about is h. Speciosum Rubrum. If planted this
month it should bloom around April. A long time but the returns are worthwhile.

Has Mr. Mandino any Calceolarias? They give us no end of trouble. He better
worry about his children instead of the war. I haven't much interest in any part of Europe.
Ours is the only country in the world worth fighting for, don't you agree with me?
On Oct. 15th, I wrote home to Dad. I'll write to you again in two weeks.

What did Miss Binford say in her letter? I am puzzled at times and can't figure
it out, but I think she is still a good friend. Anway we can't forget the friend she was.

Never saw a salamander, but they sound interesting. Keep that hat. I may want to
borrow it when I visit Hill Top to go with my bow + arrow, green underwear, and pointed shoes.
Lets hope you can have another "vacation" before too much
time has passed. My regards to Miss Rice
Always yours,
Russell McWilliams 5661-E

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