(seq. 120)




Status: Needs Review

Dear Doctor;

Thanks very much for your two good letters and your check. Your letters
are getting better, and I had thought there was no room for improvement. I like your
new pen, that is: I like the way it writes.

I am glad Mrs. Thompson visited you and saw your Hill Top. Yes she had
been a good friend. How is her daughter, "Puss," getting along? I hope she is alright.

The progress issue of Harmony News arrived over a week ago. I though the
editors did very well of you. I enjoy reading this magazine, and in it I found
some good poetry. The first I have read in years. Naturally, I have only one
slight complaint to make: The hospital was dicussed rather thoroughly; everyone
recevied a good word almost, but not one word was said about our friend, Miss Glodding

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