(seq. 56)




Status: Needs Review

NAME Dr. Miriam Van Waters
CITY Framingham STATE Mass.
June 6, 1945

Dear Doctor
The large encyclopedia came almost two weeks ago.
It is the best one I ever saw, and I am more than
pleased to have such a remarkably fine book. As you
said, it is probably the best that can be had. I can not
begin to express my appreciation of this fine generous
deed. I will take good care of it and bring it home
with me when and if I ever get out of here. It is
up to date and has a world of information. It is
no doubt expensive. I am glad you sent the best.
This encyclopedia, the blue pen, and the big Garden Dictionary
all of which came fom you represent my earthly wealth.

Miss said she telephoned you and that you had a
cough. I hope you are taking care of it. You stay on your
feet until you fall over. You need an overseer, like me to
make you care for yourself as you care for others.

The "Nation" arrived and I like it. It speaks out
openly instead of concealing the truth in order to
create a certain opinion favorable to special interests.
Seems to me every now and then some some writer
for Common [Weal?] is being payed by the enemy and
there is lots of truth in that. A lot of big people
over here are on the jap pay roll. I favor a liberal
policy with the enemy, but first make them regret their

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