(seq. 60)




Status: Needs Review

NAME Dr Miriam Van Waters
CITY Framingham, STATE Mass.
July 1, 1945

Dear Doctor;
I am very sorry to learn of the death of Annie's
little girl. I can understand a little of the grief
you all feel, and I offer my sympathy.

Your letters have been excellent and they do
hit the spot and make me feel satisfied.

This is Saturday and Miss Rice visited me today.
We had a nice talk about you + Mrs Thompson and so
many other things that had been stored up. She had
a good talk with you and Mrs. Thompson, Mrs T
has some fine ideas in regards to our case, but
first we must wait on the Rockford people.

In a short while Miss Rice will find out what
is being done for us. Itf no news is forthcoming from
Mr. Bloomberg she will see see the head man and have
a talk. Then we will know where we are! Doctor I
am of the opinion that this man can get me out
of here in a fairly short time. If nothing shows up
in a few weeks (very few) Miss Rice will go see Mr. To.

Of course it pays to keep bridges in good repair
in case one washes out there are others. I am
pleased Mrs. Thompson keeps other doors open. We
truly have a wonderful set-up. If these people are
one the square-we cannot possibly fail! So let us
please return

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