(seq. 71)




Status: Needs Review

your new pen writes beautifully - Ralph is a good brother!
Miss Rice was here Sat. 28, for a very nice visit. She wants
to write to Mr. Blomber once more and them if he wont answer
within one week, she will make plans to see his loss and get
news direct and put an immediate stop to this nonsense. If they
are going to be offended, there's no time like the present! I told
her about Carmen and she felt very sympathetic. I am glad all of
you went to her funeral. It showed she had many friends. I showed
L. R. some pictures that were recently taken of our grounds. I was
in them in close up. She went wild about them + I think you would too.

I will find out about "Harmony News" and let you know in
my next letter. I would like to have it again if possible.

No, I do not move about my work at a kind of institutional
pace. How could I ever accomplish anything at that rate. Here
you call that pace "the division stride" or slump. Usually a
person falls into that if he is in a work division, and then when
he is given a better job he isn't worth fine cents to anybody or himself.

Within an hour after Miss R. left we had what amounted
to a cloud burst. Everything was under water - a few fish were
even floated out of the pond - Howver there was no real damage.

Give my love to your mother. I hope she continues to imp-
rove in health. My prayers for her are very sincere and I hope
they have helped a little. I expect her to get completely well soon.

I am suprised that the old Plymouth still runs. We will
have to use it for camping trips when the urge strikes us.

The Blue room sounds restful and inviting. The changes
are that I wouldn't sleep too well - too much excitement! One
thing in its favor, there would be plenty of swell food close by.

Your young nieces sound very nice. I hope they enjoy their visit.

Very well, the occasion of Aug 16th will mean ice cream.

Only enough spaces to send you my love and best wishes.
Take good care of yourself. Yours ever----
Russel McWilliams 5661-E

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