(seq. 80)




Status: Needs Review

Dr. Miriam Van Waters
Box 99
Framingham, Mass
Aug. 12, 1945
Dear Doctor:

Your letters have arrived in fine condition. True,
one was late, but we don't often have that experience.
You do very well for one as rushed as you always are.

The birthday check was nice and fat! You must have
forgotten about the encyclopedia and its great expense
which was to be taken out of my allowance - I was not
supposed to have any money until xmas, and only then if my
conduct had been above question on all counts!

I am made happy though when you remember me with
a gift, and I appreciate the deed as well as the fine thoughts
of true friendship which promote the act. I will have a
long job (tho a pleasant one) of making it up to you sometime.

Dr. Elizabeth Woods must be an important person to throw
your writing schedule out of gear - I told Miss Rice about
her and the slippers + she told me about your extra good letter.

We do need a long talk when your mother can safely
be left for a few days. I hope and pray if will be very soon.
W should have more frequent visits - I hope next year
we can visit at Hill Top for years if we like.

I have found out about Harmony News and the
answer is no. No prison publications are permitted.

Your new stationary is extra nice I think - a light
buff color - best of all is the fine lines of your new pen.

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