(seq. 93)




Status: Needs Review

Dr. Miriam Van Waters
Box 99
Framingham, Mass.
Sept. 9th, 1945

Dear Doctor:
Your short vacation seems to have done you a
lot of good judging from your last letter - It was
extra good an meant a lot to me - I was getting a
little anxious as you were late. However, I knew you
were vacationing and did not worry too much.

The changes made by the wars and are not to
be noticed in here - It seems like there never was a war.
It never seemed like there was a war except in shortages.

I am very pleased that you and Mrs. Thompson
have some plans in mind just in case we are
let down by the people in Rockford. I shall be eager
to hear the ideas you and she formed at Hill Top.

Very soon now we should have some news. The
pardon board meets Oct 9th, for the last time this year.
If promises are kept to get action this year, it much be then.

Miss Rice has written a fine letter to Rockford and
we expect a prompt answer without nonsense. She read
the high points of the letter to me and it couldn't have been better.
She is having a copy photo of me made for you - So
please keep your shirt on a while longer!

One good thing about your delayed letter is that you
try so hard to make up for it in quality - and never fail.

Last evening we had in ice cream + apple pie donated

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