(seq. 100)




Status: Needs Review

of the more important reasons for wanting "Florists Exchange."
as it shows every move that is made. Friends, fads, the latest
equiptment-supplies In short it has almost everything, I don't
think it's sale is restricted either.

Whn I wrote of your being chairman of the Women's
Committee at the Prison Conference, I was just using
sense- you are without any slight doubt the most
capable person in the field. Most prison officials are
simply jailers with political connections. With you sort
of setting an example these people stand to learn something.

Some changes were made on our parole board, but
Mr. W. E. Jones is still chairman so it means nothing. I
will explain everything when you visit me. You will
know more then about everything-also why we failed last time
There is only one way to win, and while it is not an
easy or simple matter it can and has been done, and it
can be done again. All of this you will know as soon as possible.

Give my love to your mother. I am so glad she is even stronger.
She must be a mighty sweet woman to have such a fine daughter.

Miss Rice was here the 6th and we enjoyed a
very pleasant visit. I thought she looked well.

This is Sunday the 7th. Most of the day we spent
relaxing and playing hand ball. We have lots of work
to do getting every thing ready for winter.

I hope you had a happy birthday Doctor- I am
glad you understand why I do not send you presents.

Soon we will surely see each other and have the
best visit we ever had. In the meantime letters will
have to do. My best wishes to you always. Yours,
Russell McWilliams 5661-E

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