(seq. 17)




Status: Complete

Law School of Harvard University.
Cambridge, Mass.

November 28, 1932

My dear Miss Van Waters:

Thank you for your
letter of November 22nd with regard to
Harold Smith now at the Norfolk Prison Colony.
I remember the case and should be glad to
help if possible with the boy.

So far as securing
a job for him after his discharge from Norfolk,
I am wondering if the matter has been taken
up with Mr. Brown who I believe is the
Director of the Family Department at the
Norfolk Colony. Mr. Brown would seem to be
the logical man to secure a position for the
boy. Should not the matter be handled through
him? Unfortunately I am not in direct touch
with any printing establishments and would not
know offhand exactly where to look for a job
for the boy. Perhaps you will write me
further about the case if for any reason you
feel that Mr. Brown is not the proper avenue
of approach.

Shall I return
Harold Smith's letter to you?

Very sincerely yours,
[?] B. Sayre

Dr. Miriam Van Waters
Reformatory for Women
Framingham, Massachusetts

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