(seq. 30)




Status: Complete


It is Lars Andersons former
home. I can cook here and
use the refrigerator too and
I had no such convenience
at the other place for $10 a
week. This is a great saving
for me since Income Tax
puts such a hole in my
budget. I am saving reg-
ularly $5 one week $10 the
next alternately.

Thank you for your in-
vitation to use Hill-Top.
I am very eager to be
up there again but I
am afraid Sun. is the
only day I could go up
and that is the day the
family use it most is
it not? I have only Sun-
days off.

I forgot to tell you
that I was very surpris-
ed to learn that Miriam
Rand has moved into the
room I vacated. I have
never seen her though.

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