(seq. 19)




Status: Complete

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been and tell her next time I visit
her I expect her to be well.

My work is going fine and it
is most interesting and absorbing.
So, if you are non-plussed as to
securities to in which to invest
your millions I would be most
pleased to give you my expert (?)
advice. Tell Miss Kelley the same
goes for her and I know it will
provoke a chuckle.

My brother is home until next
Wednesday on his last furlough be-
fore being sent to a P.O.E. He ar-
rived Monday night and was greet-
ed by a very excited Mother and
Sister. It just seemed his train
would never arrive as every minute
seemed an hour while we waited.
He looked just fine and is bronze
color from the Southern sun.

I will sure be glad when the
warm weather comes, as I cannot

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seem to shake my cold. It has
gone into my chest and has made
me feel pretty miserable for a
couple of days now. No matter
how much sleep I get, I just cannot
seem to get over being sleepy. Guess
it is just spring fever, but how I
would appreicate a few days vaca-
tion. Probably when my ship comes
in I will be able to get up in the
country for a few days, but by that
time the ship probably will not
make port or something just as
dire will occur to it.

I will close now, hoping to see
you in the near future and asking
you to convey my regards to your
Mother, Miss James, Miss O'Keefe
and my charming and beautiful
Miss Kelley.

Respectfully yours,
Mary Rose Cronin

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