(seq. 3)




Status: Needs Review

mean trying to hurt Dr.
trouble is they don't kno
what conditions were here
before Dr. took office here
as Supt. & not alone ex-
plaining what conditions
were here when I was here
in 1907. Then perhaps
they would have plenty
to talk about & hurt
Supt. who was in charge
in this Institution in
1907. It was terrible in
those days in 1907. & it
takes me to tell it to
as I say I do wish I
was even out for a
day now while thise
mean things are said
in papers to hurt Dr.
and I kno a Reporter
at the Globe, he went

to school with my son
George lived in back where
I lived in Medford and
he is such a good friend
that he is very one who
kept my case out of all
Boston papers ^this time If Dr. lets
me go home for a day
soon as Dr. can allow
me. I'll do something so
to come back on those who
are hurting Dr. I'll have
this same Reporter come to
see me & I'll talk tell him
plenty and how things were
here in 1907 & during Mrs.
Hoodder's term and explain
all good things done for us
here by Dr. & also explain
how mean some girls are
& way they act. & not ap-
preciate by what Dr. does

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