(seq. 2)




Status: Complete



October 6, 1954

Miss Barbara Ann Codair
c/o Harmony News
Women's Reformatory
Framingham, Massachusetts

Dear Miss Codair:

This is to commend you for your article, "FRUSTRATION, OR..."
which appeared as a reprint in the October "Exchange Edition" of our magazine,
"Agricola", a copy of which I am sendind under separate cover.

Nor am I the only one who finds it worth of praise: my clerk, Joseph A. Howell,
especially, referred it to me, and said: "Chaplain, here is something by
an exceptional young lady." Andhe began to tell me why he thought so. In the
first place there is the fact that you are but twenty years old, and since your
incarceration have completed a writing course, two years of English, and a short
course in Basic Psychiatry. This fact vouched for so many other fine things --
when added up, make for a beautiful personality.

You will find an article in "AGRICOLA" , under the heading of
"Journal of a Prisoner" -- it appears each month, and is written by Joseph. He
plans to write a sketch based on the value and meaning of your item, showing
that something should be done for such isolated, worthy cases, to assure full
growth of talent, and not allow it to be smothered and wasted in prison. He
contends that what you have done, the potentialities of future achievement, would
be exceptional enough even under ordinary conditions, but in prison it becomes more
so; because it conveys a sense of struggle beyond struggle, a reaching out for
identity, and to find meaning; also, it conveys thought and sensitivity -- and for these
reasons you have probably had more than you share of lonliness and heartache in
prison. He is aware of these things because he himself has served over 15 years
and has self-educated himself as a writer, thus is able to recognize and appreciate
certain qualities where he finds them. He says they are rare enough.

But before he writes the article, using your name, with various quotations
from "Frustration, Or.." he would like to be sure that you would have no objections.
If you should, he will drop the idea; if not, then he will send you a carbon in
advance of publication, for your approval, and if you care to, you make use the blue
pencil on it.

Now in closing, let me repeat, we think that you have an exceptional talent.
Your phrasing, your choice of words, the thought expressed -- all denote bright possibilities
for you, Barbara. I hope you will continue writing. The world needs you.
Keep your faith, your sincerity, your courage, always -- don't ever lose them.

Cordially and sincerely yours,

(Signed) Clarence Swearingen, Chaplain
The Reverend Clarence Swearingen, Chaplain


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