(seq. 14)


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2 revisions
RobertSteere at Apr 22, 2020 08:15 PM

(seq. 14)

February 7, 1957
Mrs. Doris Jones
97 Church {Street}
Pittsfield, Mass

{Doctor} Miriam Van Waters {Superintendent}
c/o Box 99
Framingham, Massachusetts

My Dear Mrs. Van Waters:
I am writing a few lines to express our sorrow in
learning of your grave illness in the past. We are
in great hopes that you have recovered from your
operation, and are now enjoying the best of health
at home, and with the ones you hold so dear to
your heart.

Will you not at your convenience extend my best
wish to the entire staff of officers in Framingham.

In the Berkshires we so far have had quite a
bit of snow and cold weather, especially cold at
nights. In fact you may have read in the paper
a very short time ago where it was 44° below
zero in pittsfield and my home town of hinsdale
which is but 12 miles distance.

(seq. 14)