(seq. 56)


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2 revisions
elaurab at May 15, 2020 08:06 PM

(seq. 56)

ans - this week please -
file: indenture folder -

Dec 2, 1947
Corner 3rd + L St.
Turners Falls

Reformatory for Women
Dec 3 - 1947
Framingham [circular date stamp]

Dear Dr Van Waters

Just a few lines to let you
know that I am fine and hope
you are the same.

The weather around here is
very cold, and we had some

There isn't much news to
tell, except I've been going to the
movies with my brother and his wife
and I go to church every Sunday
with the children and after church
the children go to Sunday school.

We had a very nice Thanksgiving
day over here, there was a
football game, but I didn't go
my brother and I listened to it

(seq. 56)