(seq. 31)




Status: Needs Review

[Left half of the document]

I admire G. Ps. dress very much. I should make it
quite plain [?] plaits the sleeves like those she fixed for one
before I left. bodice waists like that of mine worn most, wear
some dresses with a fold round the skirt but they are mostly for riding
dresses no flounces save but one while [?] [?]. they wear double
folds on their capes, cut much the shape as they have been only
rather larger. one fold is put on as usual and then another above
that reaching to the welt of the former or a severe puff but
I believe I can describe it better than that. It consists of a piece
of silk or calico cut biasing gathered or pleated on both sides
one side is to be sewed on the cape the other to bound with
a welt very [tastily?]. they are very neat indeed I have seen only [?]
and muslin [delunes?] made in this manner they were gathered and made to lay [?]
to lay smoothly.
Second day, eve E, arrived home somewhat indis-
posed, very much like the distress which mother endured
last winter for so long a time. she sent for the doctor, yes-
terday, was bled. took a thorough does of Calomel, I was
with her for most of the night. perhaps slept two or three hours
she had spell of fainting and once fainted clear away when
I was entirely alone, caused by her arms bleeding again
we had to work faithfully to stop it. sent for [E?] [Bacon?]
a most excellent friend of Es. today she has had a
blister applied and feels in hopes to check what the doctor
says would have terminated in a severe course of fever. So you
will see my cares are not lessened by her [?]
but I feel willing and doubly so to do all in my power
to relieve her mind as well as her body. [D?] thinks
she will if nothing new occurs gradulayy recover. there
are two of the [Fitus?] girls here now or I could not be

[Right half of document]

[?] this. O such a lovely family as they
are, [It?] is almost like engaging th society of
celestial being to be in their comapny, there
seems to be nothing done as said but comes
from the true fountain of Christ

Excuse I beg of you
Susan B

Write soon, though I feel deeply obligated yet I cannot
help asking more and more favors.
for it is so sweet to hear form home
I shall in all probablity remain until
I had the extreme felicity of waiting on
[City?] ladys during Es absence, trembled a [? obscured by tear]
while waiting on the dinner table, but at length
concluded they were nothing but flesh and blood and before
they left was more and more fully convinced of it. one was
the mother of two children who are here she said to
me, that they had told her of my giving one some
very slight punishment, as sending her to lay down a
and reflect on her conduct. She said she thought
it was not the place of an assistant to punish a schol-
ar and so on and so forth. she told one of the socholars I had no
more right to reprove a scholar than she the scholar had all this
she talked over before the children and if they were not uncommon-ly
good children I am sure they would be ruined. they have a [careful?]
father. He complained to E about one when E called there on her
return, but E highly approves of all the reproofs I have [ere?]
given and says if I would not assist her in that post
she would not have me at all [Burn?] this up [before?]
folks see it for pity sakes.

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