(seq. 43)




Status: Needs Review

Returned from Church, A minister by the name
of [Gubbs?] preached a good practical sermon, but oh
such delivery, such gestures, I did not have [?]
a quiet as when poor gives us "Contiguous [simul?]
taneous efforts." How good it must seem to have D.
[?] there. I suppose the [?] will be made,
the kitchen [?] & plastered & all in order
ere Gula, Hannah & Susan arrive. [H?] tells how
much pleasure she anticipates. Well I shall be
ready, if nothing happens more than ordinary, to take
passage on the raging Canawl on board a splen-
did [?] boat in 7. weeks from Wednesday.
The [?] will seem but a moment when the time arrives.
Already 7 weeks have sped their course. Two calls
have I received, no, they made attempts. the first was
Miss Catharine McFarlane & Henrietta Lieber & the other
Mr Mrs. Hagar, the bell is (again) broken & they went away
without being heard. Fortunately for my comfort I hap
pened to be away both times. S. Berbeck & one of the Miss
[?] called one eve. when I came out of Church Sarah
was watching for Dan & he had stepped out before no
doubt thinking she had gone. What a mistake.
1/2 past 1. Mr. Stafford & Mr. Wells just left. E. up to Mar-
garets. I had the unspeakable pleasure of entertaining them with
my sprightly answers mostly. As soon as politeness would permit
[???] says how are your sisters? quite well when last I heard
from them. Oh! no! then I told him of your affliction. he
thought much of Mary, used to have sure good times.
Never could but he enjoyment where the was, would he very
happy to see her, will she not visit this place this summer
how far do you live from the city [etc.?] So I say, hope on, hope and

[?] is very handsome sleek as a [gibbon? ribbon?] the most splendid black hair I
ever looked at. I almost fell in love with him my own self, what if I should

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