(seq. 2)




Status: Complete

under the descriptions of the [ophimenus?] et [recurvem?], you
will know, the [schi?re?] of my manner of considering the
graminea. You may juge by it how I want to possess
all the species. I know you have collected good many,
which I shall thank you for, if you can spare them for me.

I hope this letter shall be more happy than those
I wrote to you since the last I receive from you. If
there is in [fa?] for any plants or other objects of
natural history you may desire, pray sir, notice me them
and I shall take the greatest to send them
to you.

[Believe?] me Sir with the greatest esteem and consideration
your most humble obediant
serviant and friend

Palisot de Beauvois
Membre de l'institut de france
rue do tuvenue no. 58

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