(seq. 7)




Status: Needs Review

86 Polygala incarnata 23 Mr 1814 2: 185 fls. My-Au
87 Phaseolus perennis 18 Au 1811 2: 228 fls. Jl-S
88 Clitoria mariana 12 Jl 1810 2:241 fls. My-Au
89 [Clitoria] virginiana 12 Jl 1810 2:240 fls Je-S
90 Glycine angulosa 4 S 1810 2:229 fl.s Au-O
pub. as Strophostyles angulosa —— on sea coast of Carollina, the
leaves of this plant vary as
I have described them. Dr.
Balwin sent me, from the
neighborhood of St. Mary's ...
91 Glycine tomentosa 18 Jl 1811 2:234 fls. My-Jl
?92 [Glycine] pubescens 16 Jl 1811
93 [Glycine] simplicifolia 18 Jl 1811 2:234 fls. Jl-Au
?94 [Glycine] umbellata 6 Au 1811
95 [Glycine] apios 17 Au 1811 2:232 fl.s Jl-Au
pub. as Apios tuberosa
96 Galactia glabella 8 Jl 1810 2:239 fls. throughtout summer
97 [Galactia] pinnata 14 Jl 1810
98 [Galactia] mollis 26 Jl 1810 2:238 fls. through summer
99 Indigofera caroliniana 29 Jl 1811 2:244 fls. Jl-S
100 Lupinus perennis 27 Mr 1812 2:191 fls. Ap
101 [Lupinus] pilosus fl. by Ap 2:191 fls. beginng Ap
pub. as villosus
102 Stylosanthes elatior 17 Jl 1810 2:203 fl.s My-Au
103 Crotolaria [Crotalaria] parviflora 19 Je 1811 2:193 fl.s Ap-Jl
104 Galega hispidula? 11 Jl 1810 2:245 fl.s My-Au
105 [Galega] villosa put as + parvifolia 18 Jl 1810 2:246 fls through summer
106 Zornia tetetraphylla 30 Jl 1811 2:219 fls Je-Au
107 Psoralea melilotoides 25 My 1811 2:198 fls. My-Je
108 Robinia pseudoacacia 7 Ap 1811 2: 242 fls. Mr & Ap grows in mountains in
rich fertile soils
not found in its na-
tive state on sea
coast of Carolina
109 [Robinia] hispida 21 Ap 1811 2:243 fls. Ap
grows in mountains
of Carolina

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