(seq. 2)


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6 revisions
Judy Warnement at Mar 17, 2021 07:12 PM

(seq. 2)

3 Mentha tenuis no date 2:72 fls Ap-S 3 miles from Beaufort
9 Thymus Thymbra Caroliniana 28 S 1812 2:86 fls. Au-S
pub. as Macbridea pulcha grows in. narrow swapns,
through pine barrnes in
middle districts of
Carolina. Very abundan.
between Saltcatcher bridge on Murphy's bridge on Edisto
River. I named this genus in commermoration of the late
Dr. James Macbride, whose untimely death, medicine and
natural history, and admiring country equally deplor

(seq. 2)

3 Mentha tenuis no date 2:72 fls Ap-S
3 miles from Beaufort

9 Thymus Thymbra Caroliniana
28 S 1812 2:86 fls. Au-S
pub. as Macbridea pulcha grows in. narrow swapns,
through pine barrnes in
middle districts of
Carolina. Very abundan.
between Saltcatcher bridge on Murphy's bridge on Edisto
River. I named this genus in commermoration of the late
Dr. James Macbride, whose untimely death, medicine and
natural history, and admiring country equally deplor