High Point Garden Club Minutes, 1924-1927 (1 of 9)






The High Point Garden Club was organized Sept. 17, 1924 at the home of Mrs. Elwood Cox. The object of this Club is to encourage the making of gardens, the study and culture of flowers and to make High Point the prettiest town in North Carolina. This club is to have thirty active members and not more than ten associate members. The following members were present; Mesdames Cox, E. J. Harman, Diffee, Chas. Tomlinson, A. E. Tate, Frank Ford, Ernest Herndon, Will Jones, F. W. Clayton, W. C. Idol, Dr. Taylor, Rufus King, Oscar Moffitt, and Mis Effie Cox.

By Laws were discussed. The sec. was instructed to write By Laws approved by the club and read same to the club at the next meeting.

The president, Mrs. King, named the following; as nominating committee, Mesdames Chas. Tomlinson, Will Jones, Chas. Idol, and Oscar Moffitt. This committeee is to bring in slate of officers for club; also name a program committee.

After the business meeting Mrs. Cox invited the ladies into her wonderful garden.

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Here a most delightful time was spent.

Club adjourned to meet next Tues. morning, Sept. 23, 1924 with Mrs. Cox.

Mrs. King, Pres. Faytie Moffitt, Sec.

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Mrs. Elwood Cox was hostess to the High Point Garden Club, Tuesday Sept. 23. The meeting was called to order by the Pres. Mrs. King. After the reading of the minutes, the By Laws were read and accepted.

Mrs. Chas. Tomlinson chairman of the nominating committee read the following slate. Mrs. King for Pres., Mrs. Tate for Vice Pres., Mrs. Clayton for Sec., and Mrs. Cox for Treas. and Librarian. These officers were elected. Mesdames Ford, Cox, Kearns, Jones, and Miss Effie Cox made up the slate for the program committee. These with Mr. Sykes were elected as the program committee.

The By Laws state that the Executive Committee is compossed of the officers of the club and five others appointed by the Pres. The five named by the Pres. are Mesdames C. F. Tomlinson, Terry, Diffee, White, and Moffitt.

Names for the new members were handed in to the Executive Com. This Com. to pass on same and present to the club at the next meeting for election.

The club adjourned to meet with Mrs.

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King, Tuesday morning Oct. 14, 1924.

Mrs. King, Pres. Faytie Moffitt, Sec. Pro. Tem.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by High Point Museum


The High Point Garden Club held its regular meeting Oct. 14, with Mrs. King as hostess.

Under old business came the voting on names which had been submitted from the Executive Com. to the club. These names are to make up the full membership of the club which is thirty members. The following ladies were voted to be asked to joined: Mrs. S. H. Tomlinson Mrs. C. E. Siceloff Mrs. Gilbert Clark Mrs. Willis Slane Mrs. V. A. J. Idol Mrs. O. C. Durland

Three other names were added to the waiting list: Mrs. Levi Hayworth Mrs. John Lindsay Mrs. C. B. Overman

The program Com. had not yet had a meeting, but were to meet soon. To this Com. Mrs. H. A. White was added.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by High Point Museum
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