High Point Garden Club Minutes, 1924-1927 (4 of 9)





to the retiring officers, Mrs. V.A.J. Idol. Chairman of the Program Com. read the program for the year. This committee is anxious to have T. Gilbert Pearson give a lecture in High Point on Birds. As he is to be in N.C. this winter the committee & Mr. Sykes were given power to secure him if possible.

The program (which is to cost about $13 and the hand painted iris on the cover about $10.00 additional) will not be printed until arrangements for the lecture can be made.

Mrs. Tate, our new president, asked that notice of meetings be in both Sunday's & Monday's Enterprise preceding the meeting.

She also named on the Executive Board - Mesdames Terry Jones, W. C. Idol, Clayton

Last edit about 1 year ago by High Point Museum


+ Caldwell.

For program Mrs. Cox gave a most helpful paper on 'Iris'. The Club adjourned to meet Nov. 10 with Mrs. W. E. Herndon.

Mrs A. E. Tate- Vice-pres. Mrs O. P. Moffitt Sec. pro tem

The Garden Club met Nov. 10 with Mrs. Herndon.

After the roll-call the minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The following new members elected at the last meeting have accepted - viz. Mesdames A. S. Parker. T. A. Sykes and J. E. Kirkman.

A letter from Dr. Pearson was read telling us that he could probably come. The exact date and other arrangements was left with Mrs. Cox, Mr. Sykes, and the President to complete.

Mrs. W. C. Idol reported

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the meeting at Winston-Salem. Decided to call the organization there formed "The Garden Club of North Carolina." The general meeting will be late in May. Twelve garden clubs are already organized. Dues per club for the present will be $2.50.

The program then followed. Mrs. S. H. Tomlinson read a helpful paper on "House Plants & Their Care", Mrs. W. F. Clayton one on Bulbs for Indoor Planting, and Mrs. A. E. Tate a most informing one on "Lilies".

Adjourned to meet Nov. 24 with Mrs. E. T. Harmon. Mrs. A. E. Tate, Pres. Mrs. H. A. White, Sec.

The Executive Commitee met at 11 a.m. Nov. 16 with Mrs. V.A.J. Idol. A second letter from Dr. Pearson has

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been received, stating that in any case his lecture fee was $150. The American Theater would cost us $80. In view of these facts and considering the full calen- dar for the week of Nov. 30 & Dec l, the secretary was directed to write Dr. Pearson that we could not put on his lecture at this time, but would like to correspond further in regard to a date in early January. Adjourned.

Mrs. A. E. Tate. Pres. Mrs. H. A. White Sec.

The Garden Club met Nov. 24 with Mrs. E. T. Harmon.

After the roll-call the minutes of last meeting were read & approved, also the minutes of the Executive Com. meeting Nov. 16.

The program then followed - Mrs. W. C. Jones [on to?]

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The Best Roses for Southern Gardens, and Mrs. King on Climbing & Pillar Roses.

Mrs. Thos. Knight, representing John Scheepers Co. of New York was introduced to the Club and gave a short talk on what their house could offer in bulbs especially.

Adjourned. Mrs. A. E. Tate, Pres. Mrs H. A. White, Sec.

The Garden Club met Dec. 8 at the home of Mrs. R. B. Terry.

After Roll-call, the minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

The Treasurer reported a balance of $45.62 from last year. Dues recieved so far $39.00 making amount now on deposit $84.62. The bill for printing the year books is $18.75 & for decorating them $10. The report was accepted and

Last edit almost 1 year ago by High Point Museum
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