


Status: Complete

The Garden Club met with Mrs. Ragsdale
Oct. 23.

Susan Sharp gave as the first part
of our program, a flute solo, "Flute in
the Garden of Allah." Then Mrs. D. R. Parker
gave a most helpful and educational
talk on trees. She also brought small
branches of many of our native trees.

Mrs. Jones, chairman of planting Iris in
the Jones St. extension reported that most
of the plots had been planted and hoped
to have it all planted soon.

Treas. reported a balance of $51.06.

Our president in remarking on City B[eautiful]
Campaign announced that a Garden Club
had been organized among the colored ladies.

Mrs. Cox told of how the National G. C.
Association encouraged the plan of one
Garden Club in town, and then dividing into
Auxiliaries or circles. Having pro. in circle
meetings, then coming together monthly for a
meeting. The idea being that larger tasks
may be undertaken.

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