


Status: Needs Review


18. Trip to Goxhill hours, possibly a day and night, we arrived
at a small train station in the middle
of nowhere, which we learned was the Goxhill
Deport. We were told to leave the train
with our equipment. Since there were
no trucks to meet us, we were told we
would have to walk to the Goxhill Base.
The men had many things to carry. I had
two tool boxes, two barracks bags, gun
tin hat, gas mask, etc. After walking
several hundred yards, Col. Bailey
called "Halt," stating "we would not see his
men killed in this manner, after bringing them
this far." We rested our weary bones while
Col. Bailey with three men walked to the
Base to check on the status of our
Transportation. They returned in
an hour to inform us we had no available
Transportation. Some men were left
to take care of our equipment and
supplies and the remainder of us
took part of the gear and walked
to the Base. We returned later
and reclaimed our equipment.
19 Unit training Goxhill Goxhill first night was foggy and
raining - nothing happening. I did not
sleep much. Second night was
different. Weather clear - "Jerry" came
over. I was so frightened I put my

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