Letter from Jewell H. Spears to Eva S. Moorefield, Jun. 8, 1943





Dear Eva;

Well I guess you think I wait a long time to answer your letters, but I am not very much at writing, I like to get letters but I hate to write. I am sorry to hear what happened to your furniture, but be thankful that no one was hurt. I have received a letter from Henry and Faison and have answered both of them. Write as often as you can to Henry, I can realize how much he enjoys hearing from home even if it is just a few words, I know how it feels to be thousands of miles away. Don't worry to much about Henry just believe as I do that Mama is watching over and protecting him as I believe she was watching over me when the ship was sunk.

Eva I am sending some pictures I had made of myself and also a book that might show you something of what my job is. You will find my picture in it I don't know whether you will recognize it or not, it was taken when I came back from leave.

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum


I hope Judy is getting along O.K. I sure would like to see her. I guess Velma must be mad at me I haven't heard from her in quite some time now. I would write to her but I haven't got her address, you told me she moved didn't you? She hasn't written me telling me her new address or for that matter telling me she moved.

I don't expect to be here much longer although I really don't know for sure. I heard that they are going to transfer about half the Instructors soon because there won't be as many recruits coming in as there were. So maybe I will be in the group. The states is no place for a fighting marine. Well Eva I hope you don't have any more bad luck, tell Harry I said "hello!" Write soon

Your Loving Brother Jewell

P.S. The address is still the same just abbreviated.

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum
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