Letter from Jewell H. Spears to Eva S. Moorefield, Mar. 14, 1944





Camp Pendleton, Cal. March 14, 1944


Dear Eva:

I received your letter today, so I asked the Western Union about the money and they said they would check on it. We are so busy training now that when I come in I am almost too tired to move. I thought I knew what to expect when I was transfered here, but apparently I didn't. This training has got even the guys from the parachute and raider battalions groaning it is really rough. Outside of a few sore muscles I don't think it is hurting me any, I can't seem to lose any weight. I weigh a hundred and ninety five pounds.

Eva we have been told that we will all receive furloughs before we go overseas so I will get to see you after all. I want very much to see all of you before I leave, because nobody known what the future holds. I only hope that it won't be too long before we can all be together again for good. I don't know what is planned for this division but from all appearances I think we are being prepared for some rough going. Wherever we land I think that this outfit will be able to make a good

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum



I received a letter from Henry the other day and he told me about his getting married, I also hope that it's for good this time. I guess I am the only one that likes to be single in the family, but I still have a lot of time ahead or at least I hope so. If this war doesn't end soon I will be so old no one will have me. This time when I leave for overseas I intend to save some money so I will have something when I come back. In August when my four year enlistment is up I will have about three hundred dollars coming which I intend to let you bank for me and then before I go over I am going to make out an allotment to you, if you will let me and let you bank it for me.

Well Eva I have to write some letters to Henry & Faison and there isn't much time before the lights go out so I will have to close. I am sorry that the money you sent got mixed up but you keep after them I will have them check it thoroughly here. Give my love to all and tell Harry I hope he gets something besides mosquito bites when he goes fishing. Hope I will get to see you all soon.

Love Jewell

PS. I sent my suit of blues home or rather told someone else to send them for me, let me know if you received them so if you didn't I can check on it.

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum
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