Letter from Eva S. Moorefield to Jewell H. Spears, Feb. 8, 1945





High Point, N.C. Feb. 8, 1945

Dearest Pete: While I have a few minutes to spare I will drop you a few lines. I'm sitting here listening to Breakfast at Sardi's and boy are they having a time! I sure would like to attend one of them. The eldest guest is ninety-three years old. Well, it doesn't seem as if it will be long before the Phillipines will be ours again and then I guess they will go on to Tokoyo. Judy, Harry and I are just about all well again. Harry still has a little cold and cough but not very bad. He really had a tough cold to break up. Judy is on the floor here beside me with pencil and paper and scribbling away a letter to Uncle Jewell. She talks of you all the time (over)

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum


2 She asked me the other day if Uncle Jewell was coming to see her soon. She will never forget you. Jewell would you like another fruit cake? The bakery get in some once in a while and if you would like another one as you got Xmas, let me know and I will send it. I will make you some candy, too, if you think it would be alright when it got to you. I wouldn't want it to melt and get messy before it got there. Velma and Snookie are getting along fine, I don't see her often as she works and I don't go any where very often. Henry and Lib are fine too. I haven't had a letter from Faison and Mary recently. Do you hear from Henry and Faison often? I try to get Velma to write but she says

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum


3 after working nine hrs. a day and Saturday she doesn't have much time. But she should write any way. The news from all fronts sounds good to-day and I sure hope it won't be long before this war is over and all the boys are home again. We are all looking forward to your return and in the mean time we keep praying for you. Judy sends oodles of love and kisses. I must close for now, be sure to write when you have time. Lots and Lots O' Love Your Sis Eva Moorefield

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum
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