Letter from Eva S. Moorefield to Jewell H. Spears, Mar. 12, 1945





High Point, N.C. Monday, March 12th

Dearest Pete: Boy, was I glad to get that letter from you this morning and to know that you are alright. From the account in the papers the Japs sure gave you Marines a hot reception and they had the advantages until they were taken by the Marines. The papers stated it was the toughest and bloodiest fight of the Pacific and the worst in the 168 yrs of the Marines. I have cut out clippings and pictures for your scrap-book. As for prayers as soon as I read it in the papers and heard of the invasion over the radio I called Father, Mrs. Neely, Mrs. Brown, and Mrs. Folger and asked for them to remember you in their prayers. Father said Mass for you. Don't ever think you aren't remembered in a very lot of prayers here in High Point. Everyone in Church asks about you and said (over)

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum


2 they would remember you in their prayers. I called Velma already and told her and read her the letter, I am going to call Henry as soon as he gets home from work and will write Faison as soon as I finish yours. I can tell you we all have really been worried. But Thank God you are safe. I feel that prayers had a lot to do with your safety too so we all will continue to pray for you. There is a Marine in the 4th Division Harry and I know real well. Name of Walt Spencer also of High Point. Hope he is safe too. The Air Force is blasting ---- out of Japan. Wish they would blast it off the Map. The Church is giving a bingo party Thursday night at Sheraton Hotel. I feel more like going now since I have heard from you. All we could do before was sit and wait for the news over the radio. Harry said all the time he felt you were alright but the not knowing was terrible as you know

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum


3 how much we all love you. Judy talks of you all the time and wants every letter you write. She threw a fit this morning because I wouldn't give her your letter. I have been sick for nearly two weeks. I had a bad case of tonsilitis and could hardly swallow but am much better now so maybe I can get to town to mail your cake this week. I feel bad because I haven't been able to mail it before now but it will be good when you do get it. Well, Pete dear, I must close for now as I want to write Faison and I have to call a few people on telephone. Write when you can and remember we are all praying for you. Good-night Darling and God bless you Love Always Your Sis Eva Moorefield

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum
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