Letter from Cora McArthur to Eva S. Moorefield, Apr. 10, 1945





April, 10. Fayetteville, N.C. #4

Dearest Eva Eunice & Velma. I do not know Velma's address, so will write you both together.

Was so sorry to hear about Jewel, was sorry I could not go to the Memorial Service, but could not get there, As I had no way. My thoughts were with you folks though. May God be with you all, through your troubles.

I would have written, before now, but just got your address last Sunday. We went to Uncle altons for Supper, Jack, mama and myself. All are

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum


2. O.K.

I have two brothers, in Germany. Obbie and Wilbur, I sure do worry, about them. Oh, what a terrible war, this is, I sure hope it ends soon.

I am sending you something I cut out of the paper, after I heard of Jewels death, don't know what Division he was in. Thought maybe you did not see it in the papers.

Write me some time and Come to see us.

Lots of Love to the family. Cora McArthur.

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum
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