


Status: Complete

reaching Chicago. Mrs. McA
beckoned me over, introduced
herself and sister, and when
they found I was Charlie's
sister, I needed no other intro-
duction. Had a pleasant talk
hope to see them again while
here. As I told you in last bulletin
Hughes met me at 6:15 your time.
Now comes the heading of a chapter
which your imagination must fill
out. Mr. & Mrs. Oliver left on Mon.
as Mr. O. had a business matter of
$22,000 to attend to. Instead of going
with them Lily wrote Charlie to come
and bring Marylily and she would
take her to Milwaukee while C.
saw the Fair with me, a first rate
plan you see. Yesterday morn
she packed her sachel and
came down with Geo. to go out
with him and Frank to the
Lake, when down came a thunder

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