Letter from Eva S. Moorefield to Jewell H. Spears, Feb. 22, 1945





High Point, N.C. Feb 22, 1945

Dearest Pete: I guess you have wondered why I haven't written the last week but I haven't had time, really. Week-end before last Henry and Lib and Harry's Sister were here from Saturday until Sunday and then on last Wednesday Faison, Mary and their two kids came down and stayed until Sunday and when I got time to write I found I was out of paper so yesterday I went to town and got some stamps & paper. I wish I could describe the kids to you, they really are the cutest things. James is much larger than Judy and great big brown eyes and a head full of curls. I enjoyed their visit but it really kept me plenty busy from morning until night. Pete, I know where you are now and there's no use my saying I'm plenty worried, especially until I hear from you. The radio is always saying something about the 27th Regt. and I have cut out all the clippings in the paper for you. Please the first chance you have write me, I know it may be a good while before you have a chance to do any writing but it will (over)

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum


2 be a relief to hear from you and to know you are O.K. I'm praying for you always. It rained all the time Faison & Mary were here and it is still raining. This really has been a rainy winter here. Pete, Henry & Lib mailed you a box a couple of weeks ago and I am mailing a 4 lb. fruit cake this week to you. Henry sent candy & other things so I thought I would send a cake. Be sure to let us know if you get them. Faison is still working with the Railroad but he doesn't look too well. He needs a long vacation. He works seven days a week and his work is rather strenuous on the nerves. Judy is sick again with a cold and it is really a bad one this time. The weather here keeps every one full of colds. Harry is over the worst of his cold and I am over mine entirely but Judy doesn't get over one before she

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum


3 takes another one. Velma and Snooks are getting along fine. Snookie is almost as large as you. He isn't as tall but he is really fat. Well, Pete, I must close now as I want to get this off by the mail man and he is here now, will write again soon and be on the look out for Henry's package and mine later than his. We are all praying for you and all the boys and God keep you safe -All sends love- Love Always Your Sis Eva Moorefield

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum
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