Letter from Eva S. Moorefield to Jewell H. Spears, Feb. 23, 1945





High Point, N.C. Friday - 1945

Dearest Pete: Well, the sun is shining here to-day for the first time in over a week. It really has rained here - in Alabama, Miss, and other States there are floods. In Georgia there was a bad tornado. Seems we are lucking to be living in N. C. I have just finished listening to the news and I know what a tough time you Marines are having and I just have to place my faith in God and pray that you will come thru safely. I know it will be quite a while before you can write but I am looking forward to hearing from you. I'll be glad when those little yellow so and so's are wiped out and I am very proud of my brother for help doing the job. I pray to God to keep you safe. I am cutting out all the items I can find for your scrap-book. You will have quite a book when you get all these things (over)

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum


2 you have pasted in it. We are going to get a new furnace in the house. The old one has given out and the new one will be so much better. Your room can be heated easily by the new one as it will be up to-date and much better than old one. Julia Rhinehart (you know the colored girl who used to help Mom) called this morning to ask about you. She really thinks there's nobody like Mr. Jewell. Old Mary always asks about you too. Well, it's almost Spring again here and I guess Harry will be gone every week-end fishing when he can get away. That's all he talks about except his garden. The lot he had his garden on last year has been sold but they can't build on it until after the war so may be he will get to have a garden on it this year. He really has done a lot of work on it and it will be much better for gardening this year than last. He planted some

Last edit over 2 years ago by High Point Museum


3 strawberry plants last fall and we should get some berries this year off of them. Pete, Henry has sent you a box and I have a 4 lb. fruit cake to send you when I can get to town, may be this afternoon. Let me know if there is any thing you want that I can get for you. I must close now as the post man is almost due and I want to give this to him to mail. Remember I am always thinking of you and praying for your safe return. Take care of yourself darling and give those so and so's ----- for me, too. Much love from every one. Love Always Your Sis Eva Moorefield

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