



Status: Complete

her two little feet were made for
and then she will go trotting all
around with you - and you will
have to watch and see that she
does not get hurt, - and be a real
little mother to her - because you
love her. When she wants to pull your
hair you must take her two little
soft hands in yours and teach her
how to stroke you cheeks softly instead
of pulling your hair - -and say "poor
l-i-t-t-l-e s-i-s-t-e-r V-i-n-e" and maybe
after awhile she will do that instead
of pulling your hair. She is a dear little
mischief and does not know that pull-
ing hair hurts any and she thinks it
is such fun to do it. I wish I could
have you both here for a while. It would
make my heart jump for joy if I could
only see you coming up the walk to see
me. And I would fill your lap full of
flowers every day - and may be every
hour in the day. I have got enough
"petunias" as you call them, to do them
and nasturtiums too - and they are
just as bright, as bright - can be
and over my head as I stand at
wash tub in the porch, the morning
glory bells are swinging - hundreds of
them, They hide behind the kitchen door

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