Cordelia Davis letter to Celestia Colby 27 Mar 1892





LaFox Sunday morning 27 March 92

Dear Sister Lettie I suppose you are in St Louis this morning and perhaps at this very moment are getting ready to go to church with Vine of one thing I am assured, your tongues are running very fast; if we could only annihilate distance then I could just step in and be one of you, and how glad I would be to do so I fancy I see you all, I hope Rose was better before she went to doing more work. I think she sadly needed rest but I know the ambition to do as long as we can is overmastering and then her regular work is forceful, like a mother with a young family around her she is forced right into

Last edit 10 months ago by CarolFitz
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doing what she is not able to do and what she finds in the future has been her healths undoing. Of course help better have been provided than that wreck should have been made but it is even worse in Rose place she has no one to call up on as no common person can do her work. I was in hopes she would have a little rest from extra work there as she would not be so well known there but I persume after all the strain was not so great as the changing places and have everything in confusion and not knowing where to your hand on anything and uncertain when it was going to be any better. Well that is in the past and I hope the future may be better and that you

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may keep your house as long as you want it.

You see I have taken different paper, I think the trouble was in that it was thin and coarse and the writing looked dim on it. I had just got a new point when you sent me one. I tried them all on it and it seemed to me the common pencil was the plainest of any of them at least I could see the best with it though I am going to try the other with this.

It is Sunday morning The sun is out bright for a wonder, but the wind is strong and cold, though it was not down to the freezing point last night, it rained very hard the evening and fore part of the night I should be glad with everybody else to

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see settled weather no one can do any thing toward spring work. The Roads have never been so bad since they began to gravel them years ago We have had very little sun for weeks to dry them and when there has been wind they were frozen though week before last they were dusty a few days made so by thawing just enough for the teams to make it smooth and it dried on top while it was frozen under but it was too good to last. We had a line from Friday Emma Friday she had just had a letter from her brother in Minn said that storm the week before that reached them blew down a third of all the wind mills and a good many houses and dismantled things generally. She had one from her neice in [Reinthern?]

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Kansas Ed Shepards wife that they had 9 inches of snow the same storm. They had got in 24 acres of oats and their early garden made. I persume it will do no harm as it would go so soon perhaps make them grow faster. Zophar is on the lounge snoring. Eva is writing some candy recipes for Emma, her sister was agoing to have a birthday party for her little boy and wanted to make home made candy and our folks made theirs Emma is not very well she said she had done a part of her washing that day but had to do as she could some days. They are none of them very well, all had the "grippe" again this winter Levi has a hard cough

Last edit 10 months ago by carol ann
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