[Copy of 'Briefe Relation of Irland and the diversity of Irish in the same' by Philip O'Sullivan Beare.]

Copy of "Briefe Relation of Irland and the diversity of Irish in the same" by Philip O'Sullivan Beare. Written: c. 1618-1625.


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Ancient Irish eclesiasticall Ouen Mc Mahowne, archbishop of Dublin wch is the Court of Irland, who was bredd in Salamanca, by his ma~tie is appointment,but now is in Irland: Don Florence Conrio, arche byshop of Tome, in Irland intertained by his ma~tie, in the stats of Flannders; Father Franncis Colman who hathe bene P~vinciall of the order of St Franncis in Irland: Father Donnough O Mony p~vinciall, that nowe is of the same order in Irland: The p~sented Friar Rosse, Vicar generall of St Dominiks order; Vicent Ogano of the same order: DndLea Crux of the same order in Lysburn: Bernadus O Bryen, of the same order: Hughe Cavill of St Francis order in Lovan Iohn Baptista of the Societie rector in Lisborn Cornellius de Roche of the same Societie William Mc Cragh of the Society reader in the Seminary of Lisborn Cornelius [Drescolle?], benedictin, now going for Irland:

Anncient Irish seculars of his ma~tis dominions. Don Iohn O Neyle Earle of Tyron. Corenell of the Irish, in Flaunders Don Hugh ODonell Earle of Tyrconnell page to the Infanta in Flannders Don Dormitius O Sowleran Earle of Bearhaven in Madrile: Don Eugenio O Neile Sariant maior: Don Artus ONeil captaine Don Thady O Suliuan; Captaine Cormoke O Donell; Samuell Mc Donell; Owen O Hanlon; Robart Daniell; Cormoke ONeill Owen Cartie; Murogh O Mahonne Cum multis quos nunc prescribere longum.

Myxt Irish eclesiasticall Father Franncis Nugent of St Dominiks order in Salamanka: Father Robart Nugent of the Societie in Irland: Father Nycholas Nugent of the Society prysoner in Dublin for the Catholike faythe.

Myxt Seculars Don Redmond O Boorke Barron of Leitrem; Don Balthasor Boorke page of the chamber; William Boorke; Maurisse Fitz gerrald Edward Fitz gerrald; Thomas Fitz gerrald Gerrald Mc Morysh:

English Irished eclesiasticall Petrus Lumbard Archbishop of Ardmaughe and Prymat in Rome.

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Thomas Walshe of the habit of St Iohn in Irlande: Paule Ragget Vicar generall of St Barnards order in Irland; William of the Holy Ghost, Domynican in Madride Luke Wadden Vice secratary to the Gennerall of St Francis in Rome: Thomas Whyt of the Society, rector of the Irish semenary, in Salamanka: Richard Conway of the same order rector of the Irish in St Iames: Christofer Holliwod Superior of the Societie of Iesus, in Irland whoe be pure Englished and almost all those of his order: yea the very anncient Irish, that entred into the same order become almost all Englished conforminge them selues to theire Superior, not only in the rules of policie, and goverment, and manner of lyffe p~curinge to conforme them selues, to the tymes, and to wine the wills of the myghties.

Englished Irish seculars Nycholas Wyse: Captaine Thomas Preston; Iames Gerlon: Walter Dalahide; whoe served the auncient Irish in the last warrs

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George DeLa Hide William Walshe; Captaine Rathe; Thomas Stanihurst; Iohn Roche &c. Noe wheare, can we find place amongest the abowe named for Don Dauid Carni, arch bishop of Cashell, nor for Father Archer of the Societie for the archbyshop beinge intertained by his ma~tie, wth allowance of 1000: crownes yearly, and descendinge by right line from the anncient Irish; notwthstandinge hauinge some what of the English bloode; and not beinge a devine; but a canonist and guided by the fathers of the Societie, his kinsmen; is of an English condicion: on the contrary syde, Father Archer, thoughe all together Englished, yett is he of the inclination, and condicion of the anncient Irish, and much affected to the Spaniards, and ther kinge, and theire manner of liuinge, more then the anncient Irish whom he followed, and aided, in the last warrs:

These are those that are knowen hear of the three sorts; notwthstandinge ther be in Earland many more bothe lords knights captaines and soyldors and other seuerall p~sons, of different quality and state

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Nowe if you aske me, of what sort be there most in number, greatest in power, and dignitie; I answeare, that the anncient are most in number; for they have many lords of titell, and knights amongst them and wthall, the wassalls of the myxt Irished lordes, and knights, for the most part, are anncient Irish, next unto theise, the mixt are most in number; for power and streingthe of mony the Englished pass, because for the most part either they, or theire ancestors haue bene, or are, officers, and dealers in the court. Neither dothe they use such Liberalitie, and hospitalitie, as the anncient Irish, and myxt bothe use frankly, and gratis to all strangers, and passengers; therfore it is thought that they haue great store of coine gathered to gether; But the anncient, and myxt, haue more land, and goods, not wthstandinge that they haue lost farr more, then the Englished in the p~cecution, yett are they more powerfull to make soildors and armyes, and truly many of all the three sorts doe excelent service to his ma~tie in the exercise of theire weapons and the skill of military discipline bothe in Flannders, and in Ireland. The anncient

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Auncient and myxt Irysh are not only great soldiors, but also warriors; But the Englished are more inclined to other imploiments then to warr. As for ther quality or nobilitie the question is easilly resolved, consideringe the originall of every sort by itselfe; for all the titularys and knights of the anncient Irish doe descend from the kings of Spaine in Ireland; and are of the anncient bloode Roiall; and are derived of Iberius, Eremon, Evergino, & Lucio four sons of king Melcher of Spaine, wch conquered that kingdome some 2900 years agoe takinge it from the Grecians; whoe had killed a Spanish prince whoe by chance landed in Ireland, The mixt Irish althoughe they, enyoie not this discent soe well awthorished by the right kind of theire fathers, yett they haue it by theire mothers who weare married to the [ ] Irysh: The Englished althoughe they haue not this nobility; yett have they another given by the kings of England by parleaments in Ireland, soe anncient; that it is abowe 500: years that since knights and lords of titell began, and this is in breef [ ] relation that may be made of I[ ] the abowe mencioned inte[n ]

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