


Needs Review


Cpl. A. Sudentas, Hq. + Hq. Co., 68th Sig. Bn. Camp Polk, Louisiana

April 25, 1944

Dear Miss Mc Glynn:

Please consider this letter as a poor apology for not writing sooner. Although I have been very busy, there have been several opportunities for dropping you a line or two; but, like any other "black sheep," I just didn't get around to it.

Do you remember my writing about a commendation from Corps Headquarters regarding my math school? A month or so ago, there was an I.G. (Inspector General) inspection in this battalion -- sort of a C.P.A. check-up in civil life. The inspector spent a full day at my school observing my classes, scrutinizing records and, in general, producing a little perspiration under my collar.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Jenna
Needs Review


His report turned out in my favor.

A day later, two stars walked into my room and sat down. It was General Milburn, the best tactician in the Fourth Army. He wasn't very much to look at -- unimpressive in a way, and yet, there was something about him saying he knew his business.

At the end of the hour, he spoke to me for over two hours regarding background, education, business and several other things I am not allowed to write about. Then he began "pouring on the oil" ("tossing the blarney") saying my work had caught his attention several times and that I had been selected for a special assignment.

From that day my work has been in a liason line questioning the German prisoners of war on this post, analyzing their statements, piecing certain information together, and graphing my findings.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Jenna
Needs Review



I submitted the report three weeks ago. It must have been a fairly important, if not vital, one because it was submitted by the Corps directly to the War Department for their consideration.

Well, my promotion to corporal came through and full credit for the report was given me in a War Department circular issued last week. It's probable that something better than corporal is in store. I dare not venture a guess though.

There are indications today that my work will be less with teaching but more with the Secret Service from this day on. If I remain with this outfit, it means more advanced work in signal analysis. That is all I can divulge officially at the moment.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Jenna
Needs Review


Incidentally, I've been able to acquire eight semester hours credit for a master's degree at Chicago University. My studies have been in advanced mathematics, surveying and German conducted via correspondences through the Armed Forces Institute. I've studied in my own spare time under Prof. Everett's guidance and have taken supervized final exams for degree credit over a period of five months. In a way, it really is an advantage to study alone. One can proceed so much faster in certain subjects.

Hoping to hear from you again soon.



Last edit almost 2 years ago by Jenna
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