


Status: Complete


sufficiently justifies. I am thus driven to the objectionable resort
of endeavouring to persuade you of the truth of a vague proposition
by considerations that are confessedly and manifestly of a
secondary relevance.

I may as well, at once, acknowledge that, in Existential Graphs, the representation
of Modality (possibility, necessity, etc.) lacks almost entirely
that pictorial, or Iconic, character which is so striking in the representation
in the same system of every feature of propositions de inesse. Perhaps it is in the
nature of things that it should be so in such wise that for Modality to be
iconically represented in that same “pictorial” way in which the other
features are represented would constitute a falsity in the representation.
If so, it is a perfect vindication of the system, upon whose accusers, I suppose, the burden of proof
lies. Still, I confess I suspect there is in the heraldic representation of modality

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