C. S. Peirce Manuscripts

Pages That Need Review

Logic Notebook 1867-1880

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a , b =, 0

This might be interesting and indeed would be, but does not look hopeful for the present purpose at all.


In return, then; we must get along without the rule that if

L (exp. x) =, M (exp. y)

L (exp. x,a) =, M (exp. y,a)

This holds with arithmetical but not with logical.

Log (lower exp. e) a has several values Let the sum of them

Addition (exp.,) Log (exp. a, lower exp. e) = L (exp.a, lower exp.r)

then this is a particular value of Log (lower exp. e a)

Then if a = L (exp. b) b, L (exp.a, lower exponential r) =, b

Last edit almost 4 years ago by ap2zj
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1-x is other than every x and may be denoted by n^x Then the fundamental formula or the calculus becomes x, n^x =, 0 =, n' G' = 0 log1 = 0

x, logx = 0 logx^x, x^x = 1

n^x, n^n^x =, n^x, x n^x + n^n^x = 1


Last edit almost 4 years ago by ap2zj
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Nov 11

Then my first developement formula will be


where, however C may [Dr?] alpha. C will infact itself be of the same form. So that the formula should be written


How I reserve this important matter for the future study. I ought somehow to get from it something answering to [Dr?] theorem.

Thus [Dr?] [Dr?]

Here are only two equations for the determination of three unknown quantities. But returning to Qx I can first separate his into a series of terms for

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jannyp
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Nov. 12

E is a non relative term Ex is to be regarded as signifying the C's among all the x's


perhaps rather if the x's exist.

I will now note all the exceptions, in reference to these exponents.

In arithmetic [...] now in logic no sense has been attached to (E^x)^4 which is of course different from E^x^4 Therefore this signification may be gone [...] If [...] but [...] is indeterminate for it may be that [...]

Hence we might write [...]

Last edit almost 4 years ago by ap2zj
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In arithmetic [...] now suppose

then it does not follow that every x is z and therefore not that [...] This seems to be a downright exception. So this very valuable formula, [...] which it seems hopeless to get any developments, must be dispensed [...].

In arith if [...]

But this is not [...] here

Last edit almost 4 years ago by ap2zj
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This objection is so serios that I am going to [...] it by a new [...] [...] This is to mean 'is one [...]' [...] Every a is 6. or [...] [...] [...]

Last edit almost 4 years ago by ap2zj

Logic Notebook 1867 Oct-Nov

Needs Review


Oct 2

Of the Effect of a Change of Information

Suppose it is learned that Any S is P Not P is not S Some P is S Then S receives an addition to its comprehension not S to its extension P an addition to its extension Any S is not P not P receives an addition to its extension not S receives an addition to its extension Also S receives an indefinite addition to its extension

If are looking at an S find it to be P. Some S is P This adds to the extension of P - supposing we know what S Any S is not P This adds to the comprehension of S - supposing we know something of not P

Last edit over 6 years ago by dprince16
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When I conceive as say "necessary", I have some singular object present to my imagination I have not all necessary things separately imaged. Doubted whether I ever have an absolutely singular object.

Last edit over 5 years ago by kheilajones
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When I conceive a things as say "three" or say 'necessary' I necessarity have some concrete object in my imagination.I have some concrete [which]- 'the necesary' By saying that I have the necesary in my mind, it is not meant that I have simply the chapter necessity. For what I am thinking is no- necessity but the necessary. Then I must have something which i recognize as a general sign of the necessary. But which should that particular feeling which is a sign of the necessary be a sign of that any more than of anything else? Because [?] my constitution very true.

Last edit over 5 years ago by kheilajones
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1868 Nov. 3. [????] [let?] lx denote that whatever is l to every x. Then 1(x+,y) = l(x), l(y) unless either x or y = 0 But if we let lx denote whatever is l to some x Then l(x+,y) = l(x) +, l(y) Turn over.

Last edit over 3 years ago by jsimmo
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