



Status: Needs Review

made so remarks but did not speak it very distinctly out.
Sister Dornville thought if you would keep the rules better
then you would get along. It seems to me Pac F. knows it
they say he spoke. Sister P. said if she would stayed longer
up there she would have nothing anymore she was glad that
she got away Rev. F knows that. I told her and the others that
she had the right spirit and wanted to sing me in virtues
would be glad to have that chance but they had the spirit
of the devil I had to say enough I gave it to her too.
Benedicta did not say much I asked her if it was so
she said that there was no reason to say so and that you had
a great deal to do as I know myself. I been there long enough to
know what is to be done and that we all have times not feel
like as if we could do anything at the right time. Sister dont
understand anything, its just with them as it was with
that man that sent to find the stove and eat his bread
as he thought [?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] Do the best you can and God knows our good
will. I know that you had trouble enough up there once I
left and I had them also. Look at your Lord especially in this
holly time how he suffered for us poor sinners. In the
[sweet] of Jesus you will find consolation not of people.
You may believe if it was for Jesus here in the blessed Sacrement
I could not live by Him. I get consolation and
if he dont console me I think he is [risen] by me and
wants me to feel that I must suffer if I want to enter in
the Kingdom of Heaven. So you must also Will of
God be done and have patient dear sister I hope for
better times in heaven we may engag ourselves and I

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