To Julian Bond from Linda Morse, 23 Sept 1967, with Bond's draft response





[badge:] An angry bird, with a medal and star on chest, holding a pistol and wearing a helmet on top of a two storey building. CONFRONT THE WARMAKERS OCT 21 Washington D.C. Mass Mobilization 2. On top of the badge April 15 underneath the badge October 21-22.]

National Mobilization Committee To End The War In Vietnam 857 Broadway New York, N. Y. 10003 Tel: (212) 675-4605

September 23, 1967

Mr. Julian Bond c/o Horace M. Bond 361 Lee Street, S. W. Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mr. Bond:

As you no doubt have heard by now, the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam (organizers of the massive April 15 Spring Mobilization) has called for a mass demonstration against the war on October 21 in Washington.

I am writing to ask if I may have the privilge of submitting your name to the October 21 Program Subcommittee as someone who will be available to speak on this historic occasion.

As plans stand now, there will be two marches (one from the Washington Monument and one from the Lincoln Memorial) going through Washington across two Potomac bridges to the Pentagon. The Rally will take place on the area assigned us by Washington authorities, and will last approximately 1 1/2 - 2 hours. The Program Subcommittee is now in the process of forming a panel of prominent speakers representing a broad cross-section of American opinion relative to the Vietnam war.

Following the Rally as a separate action, there will be a non-violent sit-in on the steps of the Pentagon only by those who wish to do so. Enclosed you will find material relative to the above.

As you know, the April 15 Spring Mobilization was a very significant step in the fight against the war in Vietnam. We expect October 21 will be equally as significant, expressing the deepening determination of many Americans to end this war.

We hope you will be available to participate. It is imperative that you respond as quickly as possible as time is very short. Please call Elinor Ferry (212) 675-4605 or myself at (212) 255-1075 or cable or write us at the above address.

Thank you very much for your consideration.


Linda Morse For the Program Subcommittee

[The following is the marginal content of the letterhead.] Founding Chairman: A. J. Muste (1885-1967) Chairman: Dave Dellinger National Director: Rev. James Bevel National Coordinator: Prof. Robert Greenblatt

Co-chairmen: Rev. Ralph Abernathy Al Evanhoff Prof. Donald Kalish Sidney Lens Lincoln Lynch Prof Sidney Peck Rt. Rev. Charles O. Rice Cleveland Robinson Dagmar Wilson

Last edit 7 months ago by Jannyp


Dear Miss . . . . . :

I should like very much to be considered for the honor of being one of the speakers at the October 21st rally.

I am assuming that it will be an afternoon affair because I probably could not stay in Washington that evening.

At any rate, I hope to hear from you shortly.


Last edit 7 months ago by Jannyp
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