To Julian Bond from J. Oscar McCloud, 3 January 1968, with Bond's draft response





January 3, 1968

Representative Julian Bond State House District 136 162 Euharlee Street Atlanta, Georgia 30314

Dear Mr. Bond:

Several days ago, the Steering Committee of the Southern Interagency Conference met to plan for a meeting of the Conference on February 1 and 2, 1968. One of the major items on the agenda for that meeting is a discussion of the developing separatist movement in the United States. Our concern here is what some people see growing out of the "Black Power" advocacy as far a growing interest and emphasis on the part of a large number of black people and some whites that blacks be allowed to determine their own destiny even if it means existing in separate communities, economically, politically, socially, etc.

I have been asked to invite you to be one of the four panelists on the evening of February 1, to participate in a discussion of what might be called, "The Separatist Movement and the Civil Rights Struggle". The other panelists are Paul Anthony of the Southern Regional Council and Chuck Morgan of the Southern Regional Office of the American Civil Liberties Union, as well as Cleveland Sellers whose commitment I have not yet been able to secure.

My assumption in having suggested your name is that you would be very likely take the position nearer to that of Mr. Sellers and somewhat in opposition to that of Mr. Morgan and Mr. Anthony, which I hope is what you would do. I think that there needs to be a clear and articulate expression of some of the sincere feelings on the part of the black people in this country relative to their future and their place in the development of this nation, and from some of the things I have heard from you myself, I feel that you are one of the most articulate persons at this point.

We would appreciate it very much if we could have your reply at your earliest convenience; I am Sincerely yours, J. Oscar McCloud, Associate Director, Council on Church and Race, UPUSA and Chairman, Southern Interagency Conference.

Last edit 7 months ago by Privacylover


Dear Rev. McCloud:

Please forgive me for not answering your letter sooner.

I ought to refuse your invitation because the 1st is a legislative day, one that should find me in my seat in the House.

On last year my voting record was not the best, and I am trying to miss as little as possible of this year's deliberations and votes.

(I am assuming that the panel you describe will be held during the day. If it is at night, please let me know)


Last edit 7 months ago by Privacylover
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