To Julian Bond from Lyell Mahoney, with Bond's draft response





Mrs. E. Frank Mahoney

100 Vernon Road

Broomall, Pennsylvania 19008

Dear Julian -

As secretary for the class of '57, I have been asked by George School to be responsible for gathering the news of our class for The Georgian. The years go by so fast, and all of us move around so much, that this is a good way to keep in touch - through our alumni magazine.

I'll start off by telling you that I have been having babies - two girls. I also plan to go back to school and finish my work for a M.A. in Economics, and then go on to teach.

Now let's hear from you.



Lyell Price Mahoney

P.S. Would appreciate it if you could get this info. to me by March 5 - to meet the publishers deadline. Thanks.


Have been following your career with great interest. It certainly make we stay-at-homes feel inadequate.

Last edit 6 months ago by Greg14


Dear Lyell:

It is good to hear from you.

I'm enclosing a biographical sheet from which you can extract the information you need.

Every great once in a while I run into people from George School, here and in other cities throughout the United States.

It brings back old memories.

Best wishes.


enc: bio

Last edit 6 months ago by Greg14
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