From Julian Bond to Charles "Chuck" Nabors, Jr., 2 July 1968





July 2, 1968

Dear Chuck,

Thanks for your letter. The Kennedy funeral was an event, more like what I imagine a wake is supposed to be like than any funeral I've ever been to. It sounds todd to say so about what is supposed to be a solemn occasion, but I never enjoyed anything quite so much.

Having said that, I ought to restate it, but I think you'll lknow what I mean.

Your questions about communications interests me, primarily because I have been wondering for some time about communicating important information to the black community. My feeling is that most information of importance is presented in such a literate manner, and aimed at such a literate audience that it is far over the heads of those of us most interested in absorbing information.

I'm sneending under separate cover a comic book I wrote about the war. While the subject is far from cancer prevention and detection, I think


Last edit 7 months ago by TeeTwoThree


July 2, 1968 Page two

this sort of technique can be used to get any information across.

I am trying to get situated with a group here called the Federation of Southern Cooperatives; my job with them will be to develop materials for low-literacy groups in the rural South. I have thought about the possibility of setting up an independent group to do this sort of work for a variety of groups; the total civil rights movement suffers from a dearth of good, explanatory literature, and could use, I think, some help in telling its constituency what it needs to know.

At any rate, tell your friend I am interested in bridging the information gap, not just in his field but in a great many areas, and I'd be glad to lend him whatever aid or assistance that he thought I might be able to offer.


Julian Bond

Dr. Charles J. Nabors, Jr. The University of Utah Salt Lake City Utah

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Last edit 7 months ago by TeeTwoThree
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