From Julian Bond to Fred Flournoy, 16 July 1968





July 16, 1968

Dear Fred,

I have received a letter from Jack Delius, General Manager of the City's Parks Department.

In this letter he says: "I am asking Miss Jimmie Mims, Director of our Summer Recreation Program, to instruct the Area Recreation Supervisor for Harris Homes to gihave a sprinkler installed on Norcross Street between Ashby and Lee Streets".

He also indicates that he will make atettempts to get the playground equipment repaired or replaced as necessary.

I hope this helps the kids in the neighborhood out, and will encourage the parents to bring other problems to me.


Julian Bond

Mr. RFred Flournoy 861 Norcross Street, no. 401 Atlanta, Georgia


Last edit 6 months ago by esh999
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